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FIC issues presentation for Tuesday, July 12, 2011      (prepared by Peter Cooper)
Be sure to read   Agenda 21 and the Transformation of America   -- ( hand-out )  [ Link ]

Obama's Executive Order to implement Agenda 21 for rural America

The Obama Administration circumvents congressional authority either by administrative decree or by not enforcing existing federal law.1 

If Congress refuses to abide by Obama’s agenda, the President’s bureaucratic machine makes its own laws.

Recently, the Oval Office assumed federal control of rural America regarding its education, food supply, land use, water use, recreation, property, and energy.

On June 9 President Obama signed executive order 13575 establishing a White House Rural Council2
[quote]"to better coordinate Federal programs and maximize the impact of Federal investment to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in our rural communities."

This council is comprised of the heads of 25 Federal agencies who are charged with total control of Rural life.

The key phrase in the Section 1 policy statement is that [quote]"Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness"

And the key word in this phrase is "sustainable".3 

"Sustainable Development" is a term first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21.4

Agenda 21 uses the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives - ICLEI - to make agreements directly with local governments, bypassing Congress.

In the packet on page ___ is the article "Agenda 21 in one easy lesson" by Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Institute.5

The American Policy Institute opposes Agenda 21.

By the way, Sam Rohrer sits on the its Board of Advisors.6 You might remember that Mr. Rohrer was a candidate in last May's gubernatorial Primary.

What is Sustainable Development?

Its objective is [quote]" to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity".

This means government control, on a global scale, of land use, education, and the size of the human population.

In the packet on page ___ is the WorldNetDaily article "What could be bad about 'sustainability'?"7

Sustainable development is government-approved development.

Freedom cannot exist where government approval is required.

Sustainability is very bad indeed.

Under Agenda 21 many of man’s activities would be deemed as "unsustainable" .

They would be subject to fundamental transformation - perhaps even elimination.

The list includes the following:8

  • All private property rights8a
  • All forms of irrigation, pesticides & commercial fertilizer
  • Livestock production and most meat consumption
  • Privately owned vehicles and personal travel
  • Use of fossil fuels for power generation or mechanized travel
  • Single family homes
  • Most forms of mineral extraction and timber harvesting
  • Human population reduced to fewer than 1 billion people8b

To get a sense of the scope of Agenda 21 take a look at the map on page ___ in the packet.

This map was used by the U.S. Senate to stop ratification of the UN Convention on Biodiversity.

I have included the detail for Pennsylvania.

Is all this some type of wild Conspiracy theory?

Or is Agenda 21 a real threat to our freedoms and liberties?

The simple fact is that ICLEI has made agreements with over 600 cities, towns and counties here in the U.S.9 

Congress has never approved Agenda 21.

And now, through the White House Rural Council, all the czars and apparatchiks of the Obama administration will begin to coordinate its implementation.

Obama has committed thousands of federal employees to promote sustainability in rural areas.

And how will they do this?

One way is through federal grants with strings attached.

At the Local and State levels, any agreements with the ICLEI violate Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution:10

[quote] "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;"

Our local officials are responsible to us and, in turn, to the U.S. Constitution.

What can we do?

The huge power grab by Obama must be confronted by local activists.

We can oppose Agenda 21 by educating and serving on the relevant local boards and commissions.

At our peril, we have ignored the issue for far too long.

Is Executive Order 13575 the beginning of the end-game?

Thank You

-- Peter Cooper

  1. Morning Bell: Five Ways Obama Is Circumventing the Legislative Branch
  2. Executive Order 13575 — Establishment of the White House Rural Council
  3. White House Executive Order on Rural Council
  4. UN Agenda 21 - Division for Sustainable Development
  5. Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson -- American Policy Institute
  6. American Policy Institute -- Board of Advisors
  7. What could be bad about 'sustainability'?
  8. Agenda 21 - A Blueprint for the 21st Century
    1. Sustainable Development - Agenda 21 and Its Threat to Liberty
    2. Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population Control
  9. Agenda 21: Conspiracy Theory or Real Threat?
  10. ICLEI and the nearly 600 U.S. cities in an unconstitutional alliance to erode property rights